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Archive for the Tag 'Writing'

So you want to be an author?

I’m often asked for publishing advice from people on gardening as well as non-gardening topics. I’m by no means the authority but I share what has worked for me with my three books…First you must truly believe in your topic and have a passion for it as well as lots of firsthand experience. Writing articles for various magazines, newsletters and even blogging is often a good way to start with topics you are interested in writing about in book form. See the response from these other venues first–learn what “issues” people are drawn to so you can accentuate those in your writing/marketing angle. Speaking on the topic is also a great way to make yourself the “expert” on it as well as to accurately learn people’s responses and see your weaknesses on the topic. Remember you have to learn in order to teach. Research you topics extensively and learn from other’s success and failure. What would make your book a contribution that’s not been offered before? There is a lot of ground work that goes down first before the book can be written. Try to find a publisher who will accept your proposal before you write the whole book or consider the pros/cons of self publishing. Once you commit to the book follow your dream and remain indomitable through the process. Then market with abandon, as it’s no use to have a book and a message to share if no one reads it!!  Good Luck and Happy Writing!

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